Qinhuangdao Kapunuomaite Medical Equipment S & T Co.,Ltd.
Qinhuangdao Kapunuomaite Medical Equipment S & T Co.,Ltd.

The Capnomed MEMO Portable Capnograph Monitor is a compact device used for measuring end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2) levels in a patient's breath. It provides real-time monitoring of EtCO2 levels, helping healthcare professionals assess the patient's respiratory status and the effectiveness of ventilation. The portable design allows for easy transport and use in various healthcare settings.

Types of MEMO Portable Capnograph Monitors

MEMO Portable ETCO2 Monitors Features

  • Lightweight and portable, work independently;

  • Lower power consumption, longer working time;

  • Using imported electronic components, it has the advantages of accurate numerical value and stable waveform.

  • Real-time monitoring of the patient’s end-tidal carbon dioxide respiratory waveform (Capnograph), end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration (EtCO2), and respiratory rate (RR).

  • We offer two models of airway adapters, for adults/children (CSM01A) and infants (CSM01B), to suit different types of patients.

What is the Purpose of Portable Capnography?

It is to provide real-time monitoring of a patient's respiratory status, specifically by measuring the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in their breath. This non-invasive monitoring technique helps healthcare professionals in various settings such as emergency departments, intensive care units, and ambulances to assess the patient's ventilation, perfusion, and metabolism. It allows for early detection of respiratory complications, such as hypoventilation or airway obstruction, and aids in optimizing ventilation parameters to ensure adequate gas exchange. Portable capnography ETCO2 portable monitor helps improve patient safety and can be used in both adults and pediatric patients.

MEMO Portable ETCO2 Monitors Users Operation


MEMO Portable ETCO2 Monitors Applications

  1. Respiratory Monitoring: ETCO2 monitoring is vital during respiratory procedures such as intubation, extubation, and mechanical ventilation. It helps in assessing the effectiveness of ventilation, detecting airway obstruction, and ensuring proper placement of the endotracheal tube.

  2. Anesthesia Management: Anesthesiologists use portable ETCO2 monitors to closely monitor a patient's respiratory status during surgery. It helps in maintaining proper ventilation, detecting hypoventilation, and preventing hypercapnia.

  3. Emergency Medicine: In emergency departments and pre-hospital settings, portable ETCO2 monitoring devices aid in assessing the severity of respiratory distress, guiding resuscitation efforts, and monitoring patients during transportation.

  4. Procedural Sedation: During conscious sedation procedures, such as colonoscopies or dental procedures, ETCO2 monitoring ensures patient safety by detecting respiratory depression or apnea early on.

  5. Critical Care: In intensive care units (ICUs), portable end-tidal CO2 monitors assist in managing patients with acute respiratory failure, assessing response to treatment, and preventing complications such as respiratory acidosis.

  6. Obstetrics: ETCO2 monitoring is valuable during labor and delivery, especially in high-risk pregnancies or cases of maternal respiratory compromise, to monitor both maternal and fetal well-being.

  7. Monitoring Sedated Patients: In settings like the recovery room or post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), portable ETCO2 monitoring helps in monitoring patients recovering from sedation or anesthesia, ensuring timely detection of respiratory depression.

  8. Transportation of Critically Ill Patients: During interfacility transfers or transportation of critically ill patients, portable ETCO2 monitoring provides continuous assessment of respiratory status, allowing for prompt intervention if needed.

  9. Sleep Medicine: Portable end-tidal CO2 monitoring devices are used in sleep laboratories or home sleep studies to assess ventilation and detect conditions such as sleep apnea or hypoventilation syndromes.

  10. Monitoring CO2 Levels in Non-Intubated Patients: Portable ETCO2 monitoring is also used in non-intubated patients, such as those with chronic respiratory conditions or undergoing procedural sedation, to assess ventilation and detect respiratory compromise.

FAQs of MEMO Portable Capnograph Monitors

  • What are the two types of EtCO2 monitors?

    The two types of EtCO2 monitors are mainstream capnography and sidestream capnography. Mainstream capnography involves placing the CO2 sensor directly in the airway, while sidestream capnography draws a small sample of exhaled gas to a sensor located in the main unit. Both types offer different advantages and are selected based on clinical requirements.

  • How does an EtCO2 portable monitor work?

    The portable monitor typically utilizes either mainstream or sidestream capnography technology to measure CO2 levels. Mainstream monitors have the sensor directly in the patient's airway, while sidestream monitors draw a small sample of exhaled gas to a sensor located in the main unit. The portable end-tidal co2 monitoring devices then display the EtCO2 value, along with other respiratory parameters, on its screen.

  • What are the benefits of using an EtCO2 portable monitor?

    Portable end-tidal CO2 monitor offer several advantages, including:

    • Immediate feedback on a patient's ventilation status.

    • Early detection of respiratory complications or airway obstructions.

    • Monitoring effectiveness of CPR and ventilation during resuscitation efforts.

    • Assessing patient response to mechanical ventilation or oxygen therapy.

    • Facilitating rapid decision-making and intervention in critical situations.

  • Where are EtCO2 portable monitors commonly used?

    These monitors are used in a variety of healthcare settings, including:

    • Emergency departments

    • Intensive care units

    • Operating rooms

    • Ambulances and pre-hospital care

    • Home care settings for patients requiring respiratory monitoring.

  • Are EtCO2 portable monitors easy to use?

    Yes, portable EtCO2 monitors are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. They typically feature clear displays, simple controls, and audible alarms to alert healthcare providers of significant changes in EtCO2 levels. Training on the specific device may be provided to ensure proper usage and interpretation of results.

  • Can EtCO2 portable monitors be used on pediatric patients?

    Yes, many portable EtCO2 monitors are suitable for use on pediatric patients. Some devices may include pediatric-specific settings or accessories to ensure accurate monitoring in this patient population. It's essential to follow manufacturer recommendations and clinical guidelines when using these monitors on pediatric patients.

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